Wednesday, March 24, 2010

BLACK HAT THINKING Rita, Chris N, Robyn.


  1. Chocolate box in the Traditional genre gives a relaxing yet sophisticated impression, the others in that section are too difilcult to read. - black hat

  2. The font for Gourmet/Exotic is not clear and does not feel right.

    Herbal, Organic and Medicinal - Herculanum and Payrus look good and feel right.

    Traditional - Harrington and Chopin Script match the feeling of Traditional best.

    Novelty - I feel the best match is Santa Sleigh.

    Budget - I like Fruiger, Helvetica and Verdana best.

  3. All the typefaces for the Traditional market feel very traditional especially Edwardian. Chocolate Box is definitely a winner for me though!

    I also like Swiss 721 Outline for Budget market.

  4. Edwarian and Chocolate box both work well for traditional.
    The Sparkly font could work for Novelty.
    Helvetica works for Budget.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Halftone in Gourmet/Exotic, is very illegible. - Black Hat
